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Concerts in the Park

Poster for "Concerts in the Park" at Carmichael Park with event dates, times, band names, sponsors, and idyllic park illustration.

Carmichael Recreation and Park District is trying something new this year for the Concerts in the Park Series.  After surveying the community last summer and fall, it was clear from the feedback that the hot summer months were starting to impact the concerts.  Over 81% of respondents shared they would not attend a concert if it was 95 degrees or above.  It was also challenging for bands to perform in high temperatures and the district had to cancel concerts due to temperature safety concerns for all. 

This year for the Concerts in the Park Series,​ we are changing up the dates in hopes of avoiding the heat while still providing great music to the community.  The Concerts in the Park Series will start on Saturdays in the Spring this season, take a break for what tends to be the hottest part of the summer (July and August) and start up again on Fridays in the Fall (September).  Our District will continue to ask the community for feedback throughout the new schedule and evaluate after the completion of all the concerts which direction we may move forward for 2025.  Just remember this for Concerts in the Park this year - Spring Saturdays starting May 4th and Fall Fridays starting September 6th.

Let us know your thoughts on the Spring/Early Summer Concert Series Timeline by taking this Survey!

An image displays event rules about what to bring, dog rules, food & drinks, restrooms, smoking policy, parking, and safety reminders.


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