Annual Tree Lighting
Date: Thursday, December 1st
Time: 5PM-8PM -Snow fall & Tree Lightng promptly at 6:15PM
Location: Carmichael Park - 5750 Grant Avenue Carmichael ,CA 95608
Thursday, December 1st, come kick off the holiday season at Carmichael Park's annual holiday Tree Lighting from 5-8pm! The tree lighting and snowfall happens promptly at 6:15PM. Join us for live music, arts & crafts, Santa and Queen Elsa photos, and holly jolly fun! Santa will be taking a break from the North Pole to visit and take photos (at no additional cost) but we ask that you please donate one canned good per child. All canned goods collected are donated to the SJUSD Food Closet.
Thank you to the Kiwanis Club of Carmichael for supplying the arts and crafts for this event, as well as Buck Family Automotive- Sacramento's Asian Vehicle Service& Repair Facility and the Carmichael Parks Foundation for helping Elsa make her way to Carmichael Park for the evening! Community events like these wouldn't be possible without your generous support. Don't forget to grab a bite to eat from one of the available food trucks! All food trucks provided by Food In The Hood 916 See you there!
This event is RAIN or SHINE! Activities are subject to change due to weather. For more information, please visit

Help bring holiday magic to Carmichael! We are in search of sponsors to support this event. If you are interested, please complete and submit the form below.